[M4A] Myriads - Doom/Symphonic Metal (1999-2002)

21.10.2015 a las 20:21 hs 716 0

MyriadsGenre: Doom/Symphonic Metal
Lyrical themes: Philosophy, Psychology
Country of origin: Norway
Location: Stavanger
Status: Active
Formed in: 1997
Format: M4A
Bitrate: 256 y 512kbps
Password: http://theprofanator.blogspot.mx/



2002 - Introspection

1. Enigmatic Colours of the Night
2. Miserere Mei
3. Inside
4. The Sanctum of My Soul
5. Portal to the Mind
6. Falling in the Equinox
7. Flickering Thoughts
8. Encapsulated
9. The Ascent

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1999 - In Spheres Without Time

1. Fragments of the Hereafter
2. The Day of Wrath
3. Spheres Without Time
4. Seductive Hate
5. Dreams of Reality

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Puntos: 402

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